Monday, October 5, 2015

The Benefits of IV Sedation

For longer dental appointments, or more complex procedures, sedation has given patients a way to be truly comfortable by effectively minimizing anxiety. On average, dental offices that provide sedation offer only nitrous oxide or oral conscious sedation. While these can be effective, IV sedation offers the extra benefit of an additional choice for care, depending on your dental health needs and levels of anxiety or fear.

Intravenous sedation offers the following benefits:

Improved Control –  By introducing sedative medication intravenously, Dr. Dunlop can more precisely adjust your level of sedation to either bring full awareness after a procedure, or increase sedative effect. If you are still feeling anxious after initial application, slightly more sedative can be administered to help promote feelings of relaxation.  In comparison, oral conscious sedative medication (in pill form) is only available in certain dosages, making adjusting sedation a less precise process. IV sedation also improves control over how quickly patients experience sedative effect – within 5 minutes, compared to 30 or more with the oral conscious method.

Reversible In-Office – After your procedure is complete, Dr. Dunlop can taper off medication and bring you gently back to awareness. With the IV method, there are no lingering feelings of deep sedation after your appointment.

Deeper Levels of Relaxation – Nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation provide light to moderate relaxation effects, but may not be enough to comfort the severely anxious. IV sedation creates a deeper feeling of relaxation. Though you will still be conscious, so you can easily complete appointments that involve implant surgery or last a few hours (in the event of full mouth reconstruction). Many of our patients have such a profound benefit from the sedation that they don't even remember coming in for their surgery.

Reduction in Side Effects – While the effects of nitrous oxide wear off quickly with the application of pure oxygen, oral conscious sedation stays in your system for several hours. For shorter appointments, this means that you may still be feeling groggy at home and will need some time to rest. When choosing IV sedation, however, Dr. Dunlop can introduce vitamins and other supplemental medication into your sedation treatment, so you can wake up feeling completely refreshed and rejuvenated. Pain and swelling after surgery are also greatly decreased with IV sedation. The medicines included in sedation (anti-inflammatories and pain control) help control these side effects from surgery

IV sedation takes skill and care to safely administer, which is why not every dental office offers this option for sleep dentistry. However, Dr. Dunlop has undergone extensive training to ensure the highest level of patient care when using IV sedation. Only a small handful of dentists in California have gone through the rigorous and extensive training to be able to deliver this form of sedation. 
With our sedative options, you can make the best choice for your dental needs and your overall wellness. For more information on IV sedation from our Fresno dental office, contact Dr. Dunlop and his team today.


1 comment:

  1. This post is really informative ,I had my wisdom teeth out with IV sedation. Best option- nothing like the dentist. They just do a canula thing in your hand which is a bit yukky but only lasts a second or two and you are asleep! The only drawback they told me was that i may remember bits of the op, a bit like a dream. Didn't at all apart from vaguely remembering people looking over me. Recovered really quick- no sickness like a general anaesthetic.

